How to Take a Pet Hair Sample

Animals can benefit from a Hair Analysis and Nutritional Balancing Program just as much as humans.  Here is the information you need for taking a hair sample from your pet.

Pet Hair Analysis Sample Basics:

  • Before taking the sample, wipe fur with rubbing alcohol and a cotton swab to clean. 
  • Make sure the sampling area is dry before cutting hair sample. 
  • Analytical Research Labs determined normal ranges for pet hair analysis with chest hair samples, but Dr. Wilson recommends the sample be taken from the animal’s head. This should be the most accurate, as it is with humans. If the animal's fur is short, you can cut the sample from the neck, where there is more hair.
  • Cut the hair sample as close to the skin as possible.  With long hair, discard all except for the inch of hair that is closest to the skin.
  • Be sure to weigh 125 mg of hair (about ½ tablespoon) to send in to the lab.
  • Put the sample of in a paper envelope (not plastic or aluminum foil), and do not staple or tape it together.