Canine Pet HTMA Hair Analysis Report

Trace Elements, Inc.

0.80 LBS
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Canine Pet HTMA Hair Analysis Report

A Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is a powerful tool to assess mineral levels, ratios, and imbalances in a dog's body through a hair sample. Hair serves as a reliable tissue for measuring minerals because it locks in metabolic products during its formation, offering an accurate reflection of the dog's internal mineral status.

What Is HTMA?

HTMA is a sophisticated analytical method that identifies mineral deficiencies, excesses, and imbalances. This is crucial for understanding key body functions such as:

  • Cellular Metabolism
  • DNA Function
  • Nerve Conduction
  • Immune and Endocrine Activity
  • Water and Acid-Alkaline Balance

Canine Hair Analysis for Initial and Retesting

This Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is suitable for both first-time and returning customers. It assesses a variety of minerals, including:

  • Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium
  • Toxic metals like Lead, Mercury, and Arsenic

Report Details

The analysis report provides:

  1. A graphical illustration of mineral levels and ratios
  2. Customized evaluation based on the dog's metabolic type
  3. Tailored food and supplement recommendations

Important Information

Results Delivery: The test results are delivered via email only.

Mail Samples: Send hair samples to Trace Elements, Inc., Addison, Texas.