Posted by Eileen Durfee on 16th Mar 2016
A Hair Analysis is a tissue biopsy test that uses a sample of hair to uncover information about the body – including mineral levels, mineral ratios, toxic metals, and metabolic type. Uncovering an individual's mineral imbalances and deficiencies helps to guide an appropriate Nutritional Balancing Program to heal the body and supply more energy. A Nutritional Balancing Program works to correct the causes of problems with the supplement and lifestyle recommendations.
Wellness Shopping Online recently raised the price of Hair Analysis Kits due to the cost of processing and consultation time. However, we still strive to supply customers with the best, most accurate, effective, and affordable hair analysis on the market.
The Hair Analysis Kits offered can be found Hair Analysis Kits.
Both Hair Analysis Kits come with a Bar Graph of the results (and comparison for retests), a supplement and lifestyle recommendation program, and audio interpretation from Eileen.
Consultation is also available for clients who need additional help implementing their program recommendations or who have further questions regarding their test results. We try to provide as much information as possible in the program you purchase, as well as in reference material on our website. We recommend checking out the Audio Files page before purchasing any consultation time, as you may find your questions have already been answered.
We strongly encourage retests every 3 months in order to make sure your body continues to progress with the correct program. Body chemistry shifts so quickly that taking the same supplements when your body needs something different could make you feel worse, instead of better.
Purchase a Hair Analysis Kit today and get on your way to achieving optimal health!
This material is for educational purposes only
The preceding statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.